Saturday, January 3, 2009

My new career as a futurist

On this page I get to be a futurist. It occurs to me that the same skills that make me a good writer, a great CEO, a great investor, are largely the same skills that make me a great futurist. There are several important underlying attributes:
1. Superior capacity for critical thinking
2. A large general knowledge about the world

On that note I will explore some of the ideas that I think make me a great futurist. Seeing the future is perhaps the most difficult undertaking because you have to anticipate so much. Of course it would be difficult to anticipate everything, but there is a certain logic to how broad trends unfold. Often don’t happen as we expect, and sometimes delay can overtake them. But fundamental developments can have a certain criticality to them. The best futurist will anticipate the obstacles. Its interesting that you can critique issues of what could be, just as you can critique what is, or has been, using the same principles of logic.
Andrew Sheldon